Alright, alright. More than two months later (& FIVE DAYS UNTIL MY
BIRTHDAY!), I am posting again.
My life has been a little bit, completely, one hundred percent
CRAZY -- but oh-so-good. Because of some complications with my class schedule, I'm only in three classes: Biology (awful!), Humanities (also, somewhat awful), & English. In about a week's time, I'm gonna start some rockin' online classes to make up the credit for the Stats class I dropped because of my teacher-from-China-with-the-super-heavy-accent. Sorry, Chinese teacher! I just couldn't do it. (P.S. Online classes aren't actually that great. But I have to try to convince myself they're not so bad.. Right?..) Other than Friday's Humanities midterm & next week's big Biology test (both of which I have clearly prioritized beneath blogging, apparently), school is going well!
So, good news & bad news.. Bad news first? Yep.
First of all, my cute little car is completely broken down.. Unless you've got an extra $4100 (YES, $4100!) lying around for a new transmission, my poor Little Midge is gonna be collecting dust for a while... & you may or may not hear the end of it.. I miss that car! So, ya'll.. Either listen to me cry while I wait and save up to fix the car.. OR you could always start sendin' the cash. Either way.. The choice is yours. :)
Also, I recently quit my job (& yes, I understand that the fact I need to buy a new transmission completely goes against the fact I just quit.. It's complicated!).. I'm definitely going to miss these six funny kids I've been watching four or five times weekly since June, but overall it will be a good thing for me. Now to start the job hunt over again! It's scary business, but there's gotta be something out there calling my name..
On to the good stuff: This boy.
Brandon is my best friend. I laugh with him more than anyone else because he gets my weird sense of humor. When I don't want to talk to anyone else, I still want to talk to him. When I'm stressed & overwhelmed and freaking out (me? freak out? never!), he somehow manages to calm me down. After endless trips to Barnes & Noble, never-ending marathons of The Office & Modern Family, and billions of sweet words on blue sticky-notes, I definitely love 'im.
Two new additions to my little technology family:
1. Sony Cybershot. Cherry red. 'Nuff said.
2. MACBOOK. Beautiful, beautiful MacBook.
I'm basically obsessed with both of them, but I have to say - the timing was just PERFECT. My transmission went out RIGHT after I bought both of them. Just when I thought everything was good & I had plenty of money saved up. Guess that's just how it goes..?
Well, I guess I'd better get on with my day. It's the second-to-last day of my job (which, I have mixed feelings about), & tonight Brandon & I are going to a BYU Symphony concert for his music class.. & now that I think of it, my humanities class. Perfection!
I'll just leave you with this little beauty:
Didn't you miss me? Aren't you glad I'm back to blogging?
:) xo.