Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's about time..?

Alright, alright. More than two months later (& FIVE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!), I am posting again.


My life has been a little bit, completely, one hundred percent CRAZY -- but oh-so-good. Because of some complications with my class schedule, I'm only in three classes: Biology (awful!), Humanities (also, somewhat awful), & English. In about a week's time, I'm gonna start some rockin' online classes to make up the credit for the Stats class I dropped because of my teacher-from-China-with-the-super-heavy-accent. Sorry, Chinese teacher! I just couldn't do it. (P.S. Online classes aren't actually that great. But I have to try to convince myself they're not so bad.. Right?..) Other than Friday's Humanities midterm & next week's big Biology test (both of which I have clearly prioritized beneath blogging, apparently), school is going well!

So, good news & bad news.. Bad news first? Yep.
First of all, my cute little car is completely broken down.. Unless you've got an extra $4100 (YES, $4100!) lying around for a new transmission, my poor Little Midge is gonna be collecting dust for a while... & you may or may not hear the end of it.. I miss that car! So, ya'll.. Either listen to me cry while I wait and save up to fix the car.. OR you could always start sendin' the cash. Either way.. The choice is yours. :)

Also, I recently quit my job (& yes, I understand that the fact I need to buy a new transmission completely goes against the fact I just quit.. It's complicated!).. I'm definitely going to miss these six funny kids I've been watching four or five times weekly since June, but overall it will be a good thing for me. Now to start the job hunt over again! It's scary business, but there's gotta be something out there calling my name..

On to the good stuff: This boy.


Brandon is my best friend. I laugh with him more than anyone else because he gets my weird sense of humor. When I don't want to talk to anyone else, I still want to talk to him. When I'm stressed & overwhelmed and freaking out (me? freak out? never!), he somehow manages to calm me down. After endless trips to Barnes & Noble, never-ending marathons of The Office & Modern Family, and billions of sweet words on blue sticky-notes, I definitely love 'im.


Two new additions to my little technology family:
1. Sony Cybershot. Cherry red. 'Nuff said.
2. MACBOOK. Beautiful, beautiful MacBook.

I'm basically obsessed with both of them, but I have to say - the timing was just PERFECT. My transmission went out RIGHT after I bought both of them. Just when I thought everything was good & I had plenty of money saved up. Guess that's just how it goes..?

Well, I guess I'd better get on with my day. It's the second-to-last day of my job (which, I have mixed feelings about), & tonight Brandon & I are going to a BYU Symphony concert for his music class.. & now that I think of it, my humanities class. Perfection!

I'll just leave you with this little beauty:


Didn't you miss me? Aren't you glad I'm back to blogging?

:) xo.


  1. Jess! So glad to hear about your life. Thanks for the updates! I'm sorry to hear about the car and good luck with the job search. Things will fall into place, I'm sure. It sure helps to have a good friend to get you through it, I'm sure! Love ya!

  2. Yes!I was beginning to think I was the only one left blogging. :) I love the blog world... and I love you too!

  3. Hey, this is leona...yes I blog stalk you! Life will get better and the choices you are making are good for you! Good luck with your job search (always fun to do) and good luck with your car. If you didn't love it so much I would say to just buy a new one, you can get a decent one for about $4100. Anyway, good luck and all that jazz!

  4. 1400?? yikes I am sorry girl! That is so frustrating! Why do cars have to be so expensive to fix? Hope it gets better for you!

    The Smith Circle

  5. sorry this stuff all happens at once sometimes, but you'll get through this! good thing you have a good shoulder to cry on from time to time ;)

    love you!!
